How to Stress Less and Sleep More

Have you ever experienced this vicious cycle? It goes like this:

boston corporate wellness

You're stressed out, so you have trouble sleeping, but then because you're not getting enough sleep, you feel more stressed. When you get up, after hitting the snooze button a few times and only being resuscitated by a caffeinated beverage, you still feel like a shell of yourself.

You know that 3pm coffee isn't going to help your head when it hits the pillow, but it seems like the only way you're going to make it through that afternoon meeting. So the cycle continues...

Learn how to break that cycle and restore your energy.

My signature wellness workshop “Stress Less, Sleep More” focuses on stress and sleep, and the impact both have on our health and job performance. I teach participants how to take make lasting changes no matter what life looks like or how busy they are. With these simple but effective tools, they can get back to feeling like their best selves.

If you’d like this offered where you work, reach out for a complimentary consultation to learn more about how to support your own efforts to get your energy, and life, back. 

In the meantime, here is a 15-minute guided meditation to get yourself back to a calmer state - you can even use this if you have trouble falling back to sleep. Sweet dreams!