How to Give Positive Feedback to Your Employees

Embark on a journey to boost employee morale and create a lower stress work environment. Through inspiring stories and expert advice, discover the power of positive leadership, effective communication, and fostering a sense of belonging among team members.

Transcript from video- please excuse any typos!


59% of workers globally will say yes they were stressed at work yesterday. Only 21% of employees worldwide and 33% or 30% in the US will fall in the engaged category… meaning that they are provided with their optimal productivity for them. So we are here today. Turnover is not a cost if you really need to have new business okay they say you don't have to worry about paying for somebody else so with that being said I would love to introduce my lovely lovely is seemed appears we're going to start with Dr Sandra Lewis.

Let's just think of this whole lack of morale as a signal right something that says things are going quite well in the organization because our employees are disengaging they actually don't feel like they trust you anymore because morale means I'm I'm not really feeling good about this place anymore this is not a great place for me to be there are many things that contribute to that as we know burnout is multi-layer and I just want to touch on a couple of things that that is getting us to pay attention to what's going on right so in the environment we can think of this in a couple of ways the kind of culture that you create but also you can think about what is the structure of the relationships between people and the environment one of the most poignant things that happened noticing how some employees particularly if you have an environment where you have people who are the only right they may be few people of color they may be few women noticing whether or not they feel like they're fitting into this puzzle that you put together of this Talent right and noticing noticing that there are certain social issues that might impact them differently that was a challenge that I hope some employees work through 3 years ago when they felt that their managers were just ignoring the fact that they couldn't even participate the way they usually do so when you notice that as a manager you want to pay attention to that that disengagement that is telling you okay on the employee side it's also important for us to begin to think about how we navigate the challenges in the world and how they impact us because they can combine with the demands of our job to leave us in a sense of loan morale when something in the environment happens at least those feeling hopeless and we're in a workplace that also seems not to notice us then there's much greater chance morale and dealing with these kind of environmental issues microaggressions things where people feel invisible or not cared for not noticed is that you have to get comfortable having uncomfortable conversations get comfortable being uncomfortable you heard many people say it before but we will not end these challenges these environmental challenges that impact people's well-being if we are willing to talk about them it's sort of like you know that that closet until now repeat many organizations it's about nurturing so in this environment we're trying to create a space where everybody flourishes so be comfortable being uncomfortable so that you can actually grow and I'm going to turn it over to Kate with thaton you but we are looking forward to hearing what you have to say so yes all right hey everybodyWhen we want to engage those parts of the brain so that people even on a biological level feel more engaged with their work we have to give people feedback that is really specific so that they actually feel seen so this is building up a one more layer on.

Dr Sandra was just talking about making sure you're seeing people noticing their needs Etc this is making sure you're seeing people and noticing their contributions so you're looking at somebody and you're saying hey I saw you showed up that day Hanging On The Edge and because of that simple thing that you did that was hard for everybody else but you made it happen you really save the day that day really specific feedback is what is going to get this moving this is most important top down so from leadership levels from management levels however there are also here recognition mechanisms that are critical so if you build in this type of peer recognition remember to notice each other and accept praise when it comes in because it will feel more natural there's a lot of software now that you can use for this so you can just Implement a top-down solution manager start doing this people will probably start doing it naturally but there are also a bunch of different options like 6q Kudos that is used on slack High Thrive bonus Lee they're all built on engaging with each other through positive feedback Cycles if we all knew a little bit more of that what we're doing is worthy and valuable and seen and recognized and appreciated everything would be a little better the next person up on my list today is Miss Aileen who does exactly that.

It helps employees feel like their valued by their colleagues by their organization and it's much harder to disengage when you when you see that impact so my recommendation today for increasing morale is to actually go a step further and see how people feel valued by checking in with them and asking them was creating disengagement what is impacting your morale organizations is something you need to to pay attention to we want to kind of note what really matters to people so it could be serving your colleagues your employees but also I just ran a session for a big tech company this week had over 500 people at the session and just noticing what people are sharing in the chat in a 60 Minute session I got a good sense of people feeling like they can't step away from their work to take a lunch break things like that and then we can start to think about reverse engineering that when people share with you permission. Thanks so much Aileen.

Hi my name is Audrey Holst this is a big topic and you know something that came up recently as I'm having calls with different HR folks and managers is that sometimes we think as a company that we are doing a lot for our workers because we've provided them with all these benefits and here's what sometimes happens is the benefits that we provide are not aligned with the needs of the workers so I was just having a call yesterday with someone who said yes and they said we pay their tuition so if they want to go get an education will totally reimburse their tuition and I'm like that's great except they're just trying to like not sync right now so they're just paddling in place they cannot think about how they're going to swim longer swim faster like that's just not what they need right now so it's not enough to throw stuff at people right now what are you doing to incentivize them and they said the resources are the incentive and here's the truth that about 25% of workers never utilize the resources and we know that because people aren't taking their vacation days off right we give them all kinds of benefits they're not using them so a smart thing to do is to also glamify it and to reward them for getting through a number of different resources are supposed to help them prevent burnout be more engagement amazing amazing yesterday.

So we are now at Q&A time so you are listening to chat on anything that you would like to know about how to increase employee around engagement with a lot today Company's not about this colleges around the world to talk about to train team members and your team and your leaders and your management on various things related to ensuring that you are reducing turnover rates and increasing retention within your team and part of that comes with increase in the productivity of each employee each leader and while employment question as well as fill out the form in our chat that we're going to put in right now and with that being said any other thoughts from the panel that any of you want to share here today awesome with that being said imagine some horns blowing right now how to decrease acetism okay how to ensure that your employees are showing up for work and being present and being most engaged when they do.

Chat with you June 26th